Tuesday, May 15, 2012

After months of attempting, Grant finally agreed to wear this little boy tie I made him to church last Sunday. He was really excited because daddy had a red tie too so they were matching. Maybe he'll agree to it every week. I just loved seeing him in his white shirt and tie. It made him look so grown-up to me. Grant has gotten to be such a silly, happy boy. He loves to tease or try and make us laugh. He often walks into the room and proclaims, "Hi guys, how are ya?"

 We've been working on our raised garden for a few months now and are starting to harvest. We've enjoyed tomatoes and banana peppers so far. Last night I made some yummy steak tacos with these homegrown beauties as garnish on top.
 Here we are at 28 weeks.
 And again at 30 weeks. Yikes this baby is growing large.
I passed my glucose tolerance test which was good. I skipped the rhogam shot since Sean and I both have rH negative blood types. (Doc said I picked the right husband for that reason.) Baby boy still remains nameless but we're working on it. He is still such a mover. Wow, Sean and I are amazed at how active this baby is. Sean's work schedule is slightly better these days so he'll actually be able to come to my next doctor's appointment. He hasn't come to one yet. =) Cheers to 8 (or so) more weeks of the pregnancy!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The New Nursery: Part 2

It's finally here--the finished product of our new nursery. I've really enjoyed piecing everything together, painting, and sewing most of the items in the room. Let's start...

I bought this small, padded, leather-like ottoman from Ross for $10. It's the perfect addition to the rocking chair. I didn't think the black, shiny finish looked so great so I made a slipcover out of this  adorable elephant fabric. I've never bought fabric online before and I really dislike paying for shipping, but there was nothing in the stores that was even close to this so I splurged a little and bought 1.5 yards for all my projects.

Here is the ottoman before...

 and here it is after.

To spice up the walls I did embroidery hoop artwork. It's very simple and inexpesive and you could make it work for any room in your house. I bought 5 embroidery hoops at hobby lobby (variety of sizes)($1-4 each), painted the outer rims black, found small swatches of coordinating fabric, tightened them up, then cut around to remove the excess fabric. It was very easy and probably cost about $10 total. The clock is from Lowe's for $5 and I just painted it yellow since it was originally all black. 

One of my favorite parts of the room is this cutain valence. I used the same fabric as the ottoman and lined it all with white muslin. They aren't perfect (nothing in this nursery is) but I did them all by myself and for being a very inexperienced seamstress I'm happy with the results.

Sean enjoys a good carpentry project every once in a while so he had the great idea to make a side table for our nursery (perfect for bottles, pump stuff, water, all that stuff you need during feedings). He constructed the whole thing and I painted it white and then did a glossy layer on top. Such a great addition to the room and it'll be very useful.

I absolutely love this rug. It's from ikea and it's only $20. It's a decent size for a bedroom (about 4.5' x 6.5') and it's surprisingly soft. The yellow pillow on the chair is also from ikea for $3.99.

And now for some pictures of the finished product...
 The wall lamp ($15), mirror ($19), and white hamper ($5) are all from ikea as well. I sure enjoyed my shopping trip there while my boys were on their fathers and sons campout. =) I also made the diaper stacker with leftover fabric from the wall hoops.
You may be wondering why there is a twin bed in here and not a crib. Well we haven't made the transition yet of putting Grant in a big bed. We will eventually switch and have the twin in his room and the crib in the nursery. =) For now this works.