Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tag, I'm It!!!

So my sister tagged me a while ago and, sorry Laura, I haven't had a chance to get to it until now. I don't think i'm that interesting but I love reading other people's "tags" so here goes.

1. I love music. It has a big impact on me and is an important part of my life. Whether it's playing the piano, singing, or listening, it's all so great. It can change my mood and make me feel better. I absolutely love discovering new cool, fun songs that pump me up for life. My newest favorite is called "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield (I know it's not new, but it's new to me). It's an upbeat song that has a good message and it's fun to sing.

2. Maybe this is kind of white trash-ish but seriously, my favorite treat is fruit snacks. I love those little fruity, chewy, sweet things in the little on-the-go pouches. The Welch's brand are awesome but i'll eat any kind really. I know this is weird, but fruit snacks and fruity candies are so good too me--i'd rather eat those than chocolate cake or other desserts anyday.

3. I'm graduating in April with a Bachelor's of Science in Nursing and although i'm excited, it's kind of sad too. After 16 years of formal education, I have realized that I love school, learning, and really good professors. As each semester ends and you have that last class where you reflect on everything you've learned and how hard you've worked, it's weird to take a final and just be done. (Don't get me wrong, for some classes like geology 103 I've been glad to be done.) What a choice opportunity this has been to be a student at BYU. I'll miss that class setting once I'm graduated but I will try to continue to learn everyday.

4. Here's a riddle to start off this one. What is so important, easy to do, but many people don't do it?........ Give up?.........It's visiting teaching. I feel so strongly about the importance of visiting teaching. This might sound cheesy but seriously, it can make a huge difference in someone's life. I haven't had a visiting teacher (who actually comes) in probably a year and a half and I really wish I did. I enjoy getting to know sisters in the ward and talking about the gospel together--I find a lot of strength in that. And who couldn't use a couple more friends? I know this is harsh but don't accept the call as a visiting teacher if you're not going to do it.

5. I really enjoy organizing things. I prefer cleanliness and order. I just feel better when my house is clean. I like desks free of clutter and tables cleared off. You know those notorious stacks of paper (mail, coupons, old assignments, church handouts) that accumulate around the house? Well, I love going through those and throwing stuff out.

6. Lastly, I like watches. I own four of them and wear one everyday. If I forget to put it on, I glance at my wrist all day wishing I had remembered. Maybe it's because i'm still in school with a rigid schedule but I really like to know what time it is for some reason. Silly huh?

Saturday, December 1, 2007

My New Phobia

It has been snowing here for about the past 24 hours straight. There is probably 6 inches of snow on everything and the high today was around 32 degrees. Yikes, December is surely here. Well I like snow, I think it's pretty, and it makes it feel more like Christmas. But, I HATE DRIVING IN SNOWY, ICY WEATHER.

I was driving home from campus going very slow (probably 15 mph) and being very cautious. I was approaching a stop sign so I started breaking way early so I would have enough time if the road was slick. As I breaked, the car started sliding completely out of my control. I slid a full 180 degrees around before I caught traction and stopped. Thank goodness the cars around me could stop because I was blocking everything. Luckily there were no cars parked alongside the road (which is a miracle for Provo) because otherwise I surely would have hit them. Oh man, that totally freaked me out, my adrenalin soared, and I started crying. I continued to drive home, in the other direction though because that's the way my car was facing. That, folks, is my new phobia. I change my plans if it is snowy outside because I do not want to drive in it anymore. I know the situation could have been a lot worse, thank goodness it wasn't.