Monday, September 22, 2008

BYU Football

The winning score board--59 BYU, 0 UCLA
Brooke, Mike, Elizabeth, and Sean
The last two Saturdays Sean and I have enjoyed going to the BYU Football games and cheering on our awesome cougs!!! They are so far undefeated this season and the last two games they have defended like champs and neither team has scored a single point. Awesome job guys. I hope they go far this season.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back to Reality

After a fun vacation to Ohio and Arizona and lots of celebrating it's back to the grind. We returned to Provo, Sean started school, and I resumed working. We both came home really sick (from all the airplane rides I think). Our throats were SO SORE. I couldn't talk or swallow without it killing. I was really achy and had a fever. We both went to the doctor and found out I have strep throat and Sean has a viral infection that must take its course. I started antibiotics and I'm already feeling much better. Sean is recovering too and keeping busy with the accounting junior core. We don't see each other much anymore since he's at school and the library all day and I'm at work all night. Like I said, back to reality. =)

Fun Times in Ohio

I saved up my vacation time from work and we got to head out to Dayton, Ohio to visit my sister Laura and her family. We had a ton of fun chasing the kids around and playing, playing, playing. They live in a lovely home in a great neighborhood and we were so glad to get to visit. Here is a glimpse of our fun.
Dallin in his camo hat. He actually kept this on for a few minutes before pulling it off.

Play time in the little swimming pool. The kids had fun splashing and getting wet even though the hose water was pretty cold. Dallin loves running water (the hose) and as soon as the pool was full and the hose was turned off, he was done. =)

At the national airforce museum there were hundreds of planes and this was a cargo plane of some kind. The museum was really cool and it was huge!! If you read every caption and looked at everything it would take weeks to get through it. We did it in about an hour. =)

Sean in front of the coolest plane ever--the F22. (I don't know anything about but that's what I was told.)
We enjoyed a morning at a cute farm called Carriage Hill. It was a perfect, overcast day and the scenery was beautiful. I like Ohio.

Elizabeth found a new friend, this little kitten. He followed her everwhere and wouldn't leave her sight.
Sean and Dallin Elizabeth and I in front of the barns. What a fun day this was.

Happy Birthday to Both of Us

Well August is a big month for us. Sean and I both have birthdays--mine on the 20th, his on the 25th. We forgot to take pictures on my birthday but oh well, it was still fun. We went on a bike ride, went out to lunch, and tried out a new little water park in Spanish Fork which was really fun. We love playing in the pool and that was the first time we went swimming this whole summer (sad day).

For Sean's special day we were in Arizona with his family. He had an interview that morning with an accounting firm in Phoenix but I decorated the house while he was gone. When he got home we went swimming again, played games, relaxed without school and work (a real treat), ate dinner at Outback, and came home to open presents and have Norine's homemade cheese danish. Yum!!!

Fun, fun, fun!! We love adding to our game collection. Thanks Natalie and Rachel--that was the perfect gift.

Happy Anniversary!!

On August 18th Sean and I celebrated our first anniversary!! It's hard to believe it's been a year but at the same time it feels like we've been married forever. In a good way. =) I feel so blessed to have Sean as my husband. I can definitely say I'm married to my very best friend. He makes me laugh every day and takes great care of me. I love him more today than I did on our wedding day.

To celebrate our special day we went to "Color me Mine" and painted ceramic pieces. I made a "happy birthday plate" and Sean made a "numbers cup". It's a little tradition I heard of--whenever someone in your family has a birthday, they get to be special and use the colorful plate and cup.

We then went to lunch at Tucano's which is a yummy Brazilian restaurant in Provo. They have tons of flavorful, exotic meat and that's Sean's favorite thing ever. The next day we also did sealings at the temple. It was a great way to look back on our wedding day and remember the covenants and blessings that accompany our temple marriage. It was a fun day!!!