Tuesday, December 29, 2009

No Baby Yet

I went to the doctor today and I'm dilated 3cm and 80% effaced. I've had lots of contractions but they don't stay consistent and they aren't the "can't talk, can't walk through them" type that I'm waiting for. I doubt my water will break because only about 10% of moms have their water break before labor really begins. This waiting game is hard. I'm so excited to meet him and I just want to know when it'll happen. I need to be patient though. It's a snowy, slushy, cloudy mess here. I can just picture trying to drive to the hospital quickly on such aweful roads. Yuck. Well we'll keep you all posted. Happy New Year too. What is everyone doing to celebrate New Year's Eve? Any fun ideas that are close to home and not too crazy for someone who's nine months prego?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

It's Begining to Look a lot like Christmas

It's hard to believe Christmas is next week. Wow the season has gone by really fast for me. This was the closest I could get to a christmas card picture. We didn't send any out but to you who read this blog, Merry Christmas! Maybe next year we'll send out a cute card.
Last weekend was fun because my mom and Steve flew into town for one day. It was great to see them and hang out in our little apartment. Mom will be back when our son arrives and I'm looking forward to that.
Our sweet friends the Hamptons invited us over to make gingerbread houses. They went all out and made real gingerbread for everyone. It works so much better than graham crackers and looks great too. I think I ate more candy than I actually put on my house but oh well. It was fun.
Here's the whole group: Brooke, Mike, Kenley, Erin, Sean, and me.
This is my 37 week picture. I'm 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced. They say baby's head is well engaged. I've been having contractions irregularly but nothing too painful. I feel quite large and I wonder how he can grow any bigger without making me pop. =) I was so excited because yesterday, for the first time in my whole pregnancy, I got to take advantage of a parking space at a busy strip mall that said, "Expectant mother's parking only". It was great. It was right next to the handicap spots. It made me smile.
Merry Christmas everyone!!! Find J.O.Y. in this special season. J is for Jesus. O is for others. and Y is for you (in that order).

Friday, December 4, 2009

What a fun week

This past week has been really fun for us. Last weekend was a party weekend with little work time for me and no school time for Sean. Yipee!! We saw the movie "The Blind Side" which I would suggest everyone see. It was entertaining, clean, and inspirational. I really liked the actors they picked to play the roles. It's worth paying for at the real theatre rather than waiting for Red box or the dollar theatre.

Thanksgiving was a lot of fun at Sean's aunt and uncle's home. The food was amazing!! I'm kind of sad my stomach is squished up into my ribs because I wanted to eat more than I could possibly fit in there. =) After thanksgiving dinner we played some DDR. Here is Sean's adorable grandmother playing DDR. How cool is that?
We did end up going to the BYU vs. Utah game and it was a blast. What a great game!! Byu pulled it off in over time and it was exciting. At least the weather wasn't snowing but it was quite cold out there that night. Here we are in our BYU gear with our cute christmas tree.

I love having Christmas decorations up, listening to Christmas music, and going Christmas shopping. This is a fun time of year. I've tried to be a little innovative and make a few crafts lately. This is a Christmas card holder. I looked in the stores and they were all over $15 bucks. I decided to make my own. It's super easy if anyone wants to try. Just get a yard stick, clothespins, and ribbon. Decorate it however you want. Hot glue it all together. Then display your lovely cards on it. Now that it's finished I just need some people to send me Christmas cards. =)
Here is the wreath I made. This was fun and very inexpensive. I just bought the plain green wreath at the craft store with a 50% off coupon. Then at the same store I went to the pre-made wreath isle where all the beautiful $40 wreaths are. I picked up all the broken-off, plastic, red berries from the floor and asked if I could take them for free. They said "sure, I guess we'll just throw them away anyway." Then I collected pine cones that had fallen to the ground around the neighborhood. Then I bought a spool of wire ribbon and a 5-pack of ornaments from the dollar store. I glued it all on and tada!! Here is the result.
For the first time in his life Sean got glasses. I tried to take a picture of him but he wouldn't smile for real. My husband hates having his picture taken and rarely cooperates. =) Any suggestions?
I now have weekly doctor's appointments to check on baby. He's still head down and hopefully will stay that way. I'm so excited to meet him. I have all his baby stuff in a pile on the floor and nothing is organized, decorated, or set up. Yikes maybe I should get to that. I had a dream the other night that my water broke and I was 4cm dilated and it was time to head to the hospital. Scary. We have the carseat and stroller in a box. I guess we should set it up to make sure it actually fits in our little car. I think it's going to be a tight squeeze.