Weight: 14 pounds exactly (81st percentile) At 2 weeks old his weight was the 19th percentile.
Length: 23.75 inches (58th percentile)
Head: 16.22 inches (62nd percentile)
The doctor advised us to do more tummy time with Grant so his head can mold properly. He hates it but we do it anyway. After he cries for about 10 minutes he realizes he might be there for a while so he might as well enjoy it. This is what happens--he sticks his bum up in the air and falls asleep.
We only use the soothie binkies with Grant and none of the store-bought clips work with those. That's one reason I'm so happy with this personalized clip from Baby So Elegant. Isn't it cute?
Are you sure he's getting cream? I think its more like cement!! He's growing up so much, I love seeing it. Thanks for letting us be a part of your lives!
Oh, he's SO sweet! I love the chunkiness!
He's so adorable! If you're interested, I've heard of these other binkies that are just like soothies but with a different shape on the outside of their mouth so they babies don't really notice it.
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