Tuesday, December 29, 2009

No Baby Yet

I went to the doctor today and I'm dilated 3cm and 80% effaced. I've had lots of contractions but they don't stay consistent and they aren't the "can't talk, can't walk through them" type that I'm waiting for. I doubt my water will break because only about 10% of moms have their water break before labor really begins. This waiting game is hard. I'm so excited to meet him and I just want to know when it'll happen. I need to be patient though. It's a snowy, slushy, cloudy mess here. I can just picture trying to drive to the hospital quickly on such aweful roads. Yuck. Well we'll keep you all posted. Happy New Year too. What is everyone doing to celebrate New Year's Eve? Any fun ideas that are close to home and not too crazy for someone who's nine months prego?


Tawny said...

I was wondering about you today and am SO GLAD you posted this update. I'm excited for the arrival of your little man too! You will do so well; I am thrilled for you. :)

You could always do what we did last year when I was on bedrest. Watch a movie with friends or other big prego people and pop the safe bubbly to drink at midnight. That way you don't have to leave your nest when the roads are bad either. :) Happy new year!

Cami and Mitch said...

I can't wait for the post with pictures and a story! :)

Cori Simmons said...

Hang in There! I'm hoping by the time I work again (Thur PM) you will have delivered. Good Luck - I'm sure he's going to be cutie.

Sarah said...

3 cm! That's great!
Stay home, watch a movie and eat fondue!

Chelsea said...

The waiting game is so hard! I couldn't stop wondering when and how it would all happen those last weeks. I will be praying for you to get safely to the hospital and to push like a champ when the time comes!

The Woods said...

Elizabeth! You can do this! I'm so excited for you guys--this is going to be great. I can't wait to see the pictures! LOVE YOU!

Julie Radmall said...

I'm so excited for you!! It is hard to wait, isn't it? But then the time will come, and you will forget how anxious you felt, and you will be so happy to meet your little boy! I can't wait to see a picture. We miss you and hope you have a happy new year!! (Maybe he'll be the first baby born in 2010 :)

Amber said...

I have been dilated for five weeks now and the waiting is driving me crazy, so I totally know how you feel!

Alyssa Hatch said...

Grandma told us your little guy came! We keep checking for pictures and can't wait to see!! I hope you and your little family are doing well.

Alyssa Hatch said...

ps. this is Jenni :)