Monday, April 4, 2011

Last week we made a little garden in our back yard and did some planting. We planted 2 rose bushes, 1 tomato plant, and lots of sunflower and watermelon seeds. I hope I don't kill all the plants. Here are Sean and Grant planting. Grant just wanted to eat all the seeds so he didn't help too much. =)
Grant had his 15 month well-child visit today and here are his stats.

Height: 32.75 inches (90%) This is the highest percentile he's ever been in height.

Weight: 23 pounds 4 ounces (35%) This is the lowest percentile he's ever been in weight.

Head: 19.5 inches (95%)

We have a long, lean, large-headed boy on our hands and we sure love him to pieces.

Grant is getting his first molar, he got three shots today, and he fell face-first on the tile and bit through his lip. Today was not his day. Poor boy.


The Woods said...

Wow, 15 months already?? You've almost made it to nursery!!!

Really Tall People said...

he is so big!! i miss this little guy. matt does too. also, just a side note on your LEAN little guy. Tag (who is 8 months old today) weighs more than granters. Wowza! love you little buddy!

Laura Butler said...

Grant is so cute! He is sure growing up fast! I'm glad you guys had a fun Easter!